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BURAKMETERINGPVTLTD199E 6582c5712647d283621064a1 Offers
oval oil flow meter
Oval gear flow meters are precision instruments used to measure the flow rate of liquids in industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, and food production. The BG-2000-R oval gear flow meter with remote display is a precision instrument used to measure the flow rate of liquids in industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, and food production.Features LCD display 4-20 mA analog outputs for flow rate RS485-Modbus for network communication Batching option for batch control Data storage (optional) Online Monitoring Device (IoT) Robust construction Field programmable for flexibility in configuration Weather Proof EnclosureBenefits Simple well understood technology High accuracy of 0.5% of Reading Excellent repeatability No inlet and outlet straight run required Easy to set up and operate Work satisfactory on gravity flow Useable for a wide range of applications Can handle high viscous liquids Perfect device for low flow measurement No zero drift, good anti-interference ability
Oval Gear Flow Meter with Remote Displ

INR 55000 INR 61111
You Save 10%


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Gas Flow MeterMass Flow MeterOxygen Gas Flow MeterThermal Flow SensorAir Flow MeterCompressed Air Flow MeterPortable Air Flow Meterlpg Gas Flow MeterMethane Gas Flow MeterNatural Gas Flow MeterDigital Gas Flow MeterPNG Gas Flow MeterInline Thermal Mass FLow METERBiogas Flow MeterFlare Gas Flow MeterFlue Gas Flow MeterVortex Steam Flow MeterGas Vortex Flow MeterSteam Flow MeterWet Compressed Air Flow METERSea Water Flow MeterVortex Flow MeterSanitary Flow MeterDM water flow meterWaste water Flow MeterMag flow meterDigital Water flow meterElectromagnetic Flow meterLiquid Flow MeterBorewell Water flow meterMilk Flow meterwater flow meterWaste Water flow metersewage water flow meterelectromagnetic remote flow meterDiesel Flow meterturbine flow meterSolvent batch distillation systemTransformer oil flow meterWater Purifier Flow METERGear Flow Meterpalm oil flow meteroil flow meterlube oil flow meterOval Oil flow meter

INR 55000 INR 61111
You Save: INR 6111 (10%)

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